How can the overall performance of your plant be determined?
Most plants calculate availability, or the percent of the time the plant or a
particular circuit is operating, as well as overall production and recovery.
But, is this information enough? Does it provide sufficient fine-grained
information on where improvements can be made?
This paper suggests five quantitative factors applied to a
plant or to individual parts of a plant that identify the productivity of the
plant—in other words, its productivity profile.
Three dimensional animations integrated into a process plant computer-based training program can greatly enhance trainee understanding of process equipment. This is an example ... Read more
This video provides an example of the content and structure of a Performance Associates International computer-based operator training program. In this video, we focus on th ... Read more
Although many mines and processing plants have sophisticated maintenance cost information systems, cost control relies ultimately on management actions based on the informatio ... Read more
Founded in 1983, Performance Associates International (PAI) is the worldwide leader in mine and plant industrial training. Our custom interactive modules have improved start-u ... Read more
Effective plant-specific computer-based training (CBT) used in a formal training program can make the difference between a successful start-up and a failure. Or, in the case o ... Read more
In this training module, Performance Associates International (PAI) covers the characteristics of a gyratory crusher that’s designed to be the first stage in the size reduct ... Read more